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Reflexology 101
So basically it's a foot massage?
No. It's much more complex than that. To explain better, let's start learning about our feet.
Bridal Bootcamp
Too many times I have brides call me a few weeks before the wedding and ask to “fix all of this”. I try to help the best I can in a short period of time, but time is needed to put your best face forward!
11 Ways to Reduce Premature Skin Aging
Our environment and lifestyle choices can cause our skin to age prematurely. The medical term for this type of aging is “extrinsic aging.”
By taking some preventive actions, we can slow the effects that this type of aging has on our skin.
Before You Zap That Zit
Although there's never a good time to get a zit, they always seem to make their appearance right before a party, a special date, or a big family reunion.
So is it really that bad to pop a pimple? Yes, it is.
Bryce National Park
Utah’s smallest national park, is without a doubt one of the most extraordinary places on Earth.
Bryce Canyon offers world-class stargazing. Grab some blankets and experience one spectacular show!
Zion National Park
The red, brown, and yellow colors so prevalent in southern UT result from the presence of oxidized iron
To best experience Zion, plan ahead and do your research!
Holy Hormonal Acne, Batman
You’re an adult now, you think teenage acne is in the rear-view mirror. But no, you wake up with new pimples on a regular basis.
Though often unavoidable, hormonal acne can be treated to prevent future breakouts from forming.
How to Combat Stress Acne
Acne is caused by dirt, oil, and dead skin clogging your pores. So why do pimples always seem to form when you're stressed or anxious?
Stress acne is a real pickle. Here's why it happens — and the best ways to prevent and treat your stress-related breakouts.
Yes, You Need to Clean Your Makeup Brushes.
How often do I need to clean my brushes?
Makeup brushes can build bacteria very fast, especially ones used around your eye.
Why is stretching important?
I recommend stretching to all my clients. Stretching can improve your range of motion, decrease your risk of injury and prolong your massage.
It’s important to know how to stretch correctly!
Follow these steps and you will notice positive changes in how you will feel.
Pimple Poppin’ 101
Pimple-popping is not a healthy practice and could damage your skin if done incorrectly. It can cause more problems than good, including inflammation and acne scars.
If you’re determined to pop that pesky pimple, Read on! Here’s the best way to go at it.
What are Muscle Knots?
Chances are, you’ve experienced the achy feeling of a tight muscle at some point in your life.
What are muscle knots?
You’re a pain in the neck!
I get this question all the time, one of my favorite massage authors says it best.
“Your back hurts because your body is trying to change your activities or your environment…”
5 Ideas for an amazing Spa Party
Unplug from the stress of your daily life and indulge in some sacred self-care time with close friends. Whether you’re throwing a party for a friend or for yourself, you can’t go wrong with a Spa Party.
What woman doesn’t love pampering and relaxation?